Jimmy Fox – George Pickering
Costume – Wears a suit with a special tie that identifies him as an older person that goes to the particular Sixth Form. The connotation of George’s costume is that Jimmy’s wealth is average in terms of the school he goes to.
Performance – Strong charisma shown, very normal looking, nothing distinctive beside being charismatic.
Actor Appearance – George looks like a 17 year old. As such he fits into the school setting as other characters are also 16 – 18 year olds.
Arthur Foster – Selwyn Booth
Costume – A suit that distinguishes him as someone of importance, clearly different from the students.
Performance – Looks like a man with problems, demoralized.
Actor Appearance – Someone who has a look of authority and power, Middle aged not a granddad but also not a 20 year old.
Hackers – A group of 17 year olds who have a dodgy/ geeky look about them. Dressed in more or less the same manner as Jimmy Fox.
School Crowd – A group of boys and girls who are dressed in school clothes so that Jimmy can be part of the crowd.
SCRIPT TO The Phoenix Affair
FOSTER lying on the floor dead. Pills lying next to him. Hip flask in his hand. Door closing and footsteps going away.
Arthur Foster was a good man. We didn't know it back then. I wish we had. [cut to a view of George talking at camera - dark background](pause) This is the story of the Phoenix affair"
Title of movie appearing
[Chronological beginning of the movie]
FOSTER opens a letter with a logo of {BIG CORPORATION} on it an on it and the content of the letter is that their displeased with his refusal for the sale of school grounds. Close ups "we're disappointed" cut to "by your rejection". He turns around and picks up betting slips from his desk and rips them up. He takes a hip flask out of a drawer - drinks from it.
Cut to a view of Jimmy Fox going to his school. Jimmy meeting up with friends (who look like hackers) discussing the project and saying that they're ready to put it into motion. Jimmy calling someone (His father) saying that the plan is under way as the hackers walk away.
Matt has access to the mainframe and I got the software ready, Bill is going to hack into the computers and then we upload it to the Finance Computers.
That is good work James. The Plan is a go.
(On mobile)
It’s Started.
FOSTER coming out from building looks JIMMY. JIMMY a distance from FOSTER, JIMMY being singled out. Eye-line match with Foster, him looking intensely at Jimmy. Jimmy glances back with a sinister look
Possible opening sequence:
Arthur Foster (we don't know it's him) is lying on the floor dead. (Arranged as if he committed suicide) - pills and hip flask lying next to him. Jimmy Fox narrates over it. "Arthur Foster was a good man. We didn't know it back then. I wish we had. [ cut to a view of Goerge tlking at camera - dark background](pause) This is the story of the Phoenix affair"
Title of movie appearing
[Chronological beginning of the movie]
The head teacher (Arthur Foster) opens a letter with a logo of Goldstein-liebgott on it and the content of the letter is that their displeased with his refusal for the sale of school grounds. Close ups "we're disappointed" cut to "by your rejection". He turns around and picks up betting slips from his desk and rips them up. He takes a hip flask out of a drawer - drinks from it.
Cut to a view of Jimmy Fox going to his school and the atmosphere in the school being very calm and nice. (Possibly a scene of students having fun in the school grounds.) Jimmy meeting up with friends (hackers) discussing the project (put the blame on Foster for stealing money) and saying that they're ready to put it into motion. Jimmy calling someone (His father) saying that "it's started" as the hackers walk away.
Foster coming out from building looks Jimmy. Jimmy a distance from Foster jimmy being singlled out. eye-line match with Foster, him looking intensely at Jimmy. Jimmy looking back evily
Jimmy Fox is a 17 year old that is drawn into the world of corporate espionage. The White Star company invades his and many other people's lives brutally and forever changes their view on the world. Nothing will ever be as it used to be.
This is the story of The Phoenix Affair.
Mr. Arthur Foster is the Head teacher of Phoenix (Gunnersbury) Catholic High School and he is addicted to gambling and he has run up some debts. Jimmy Fox is a relatively popular student in the school. He and his dad Michael Fox have been bribed/blackmailed into making Arthur Foster sell the school grounds. They are very good grounds in central London and are meant to become grounds for a new shopping centre. Michael Fox is a lowly manager in the White Star company and he has been threatened with being sacked unless he manages to somehow make Foster agree to the sale of the school grounds. Jimmy Fox gets his hacker friends, offers them large amounts of money provided by White Star and gets them to break into the school finance network and make large amounts of money disappear, while leaving a trail of evidence that leads to Foster who has a motive for stealing the money as he is in debt. He is to become the scapegoat for the school finances fraud which would cause him to get sacked. Before the movie started, the corporation has offered money officially for the grounds to be bought, but they were refused. They the decided to bribe the board members but Arthur Foster is the last remaining opposing force. He is the main force behind the keeping of the school grounds and he does it for the students. Over the course of the movie he becomes a good person as he gives up gambling and gets a loan and tries to pay of his debts,which means that he emerges as a good person at the end of the movie. He is killed at the end of the movie by Michael as the hacking scheme fails. The movie finishes with a shot of the machines driving onto the school grounds, signifying the success of the company. Michael is promoted. He comes home and is happy but he finds a letter from Jimmy that says he is disgusted with his father and he is leaving him. Michael will probably never hear from Jimmy again. There is a huge sense of hopelessness as there is no chance of ever getting evidence against White Star, the grounds being destroyed, and Michael’s involvement not suspected by anyone, which means he gets away with killing Foster. But there is some sense of a balance as Michael loses his son – probably forever.
James Bond's forth mission, this time being he must recover two warheads which have been stolen by the SPECTRE organization, this is because they want the diamonds which are worth 100 million. A vulcan British bomber who is armed with two bombs is hijacked (by thew organization). During his mission, he meets an attrative young woman called Domino. Later in the film we find out that that she is the mistress of Emilio Largo who is a high-ranking agent from SPECTRE, Bond uses Domino to get to Emilio. Afterwards, SPECTRE announce that they have the plane and they will detonate the bombs unless they recieve the diamonds. James Bond finds the plane in the Bahamas. Then he has to battle with Emilio Largo. You Only Live Twice:
This is the fifth film in the series. An American space- craft is hijacked by a unindefied spaceship while it was in orbit. Different countries think each other has taken it. The British government suspect it has something to do with Japan With the help from a beautiful Japanease agent called Kissy Suzuki, James Bond must find the spacecraft and prevent a war between Russia and Amercia. They find out that SPECTRE is behind it.
The films conventions are