This is suitable as the mystery and dinginess of the location adds to that of the hackers, as the audience do not know much about the hackers, similar to the location. Furthermore this location is suitable for us to use as it is located only two minutes away from the school, which is very practical.

This location is suitable for us as it is on the school grounds, which adds to the realism of our opening sequence, as ours takes place within a school. This location is very typical of any school meaning the audience will be able to identify where the events are taking place. Also this location is practical for us as we do not have to travel far when filming around school.

This location is suitable as it is an office. This adds to the realism of this scene as it appears as if this is the office of Mr Foster. Furthermore the location of he office is within the school, which is practical as when filming this scene we need to be within the school as we are casting a teacher in the role of Mr Foster.

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